Nest.js SDK Usage
DevCycle Client
With the DevCycleModule imported, the DevCycleClient
can be injected into your controllers or providers.
The Nest.js SDK is a wrapper for DevCycle's Node.js SDK. For more information about methods available on the DevCycleClient, see the Node.js Usage documentation.
import { DevCycleClient } from '@devcycle/nestjs-server-sdk'
export class MyController {
private readonly devcycleClient: DevCycleClient
) {}
async update() {
const user = {
user_id: '',
name: 'user 1 name',
customData: {
customKey: 'customValue',
const variable = this.devcycleClient.variable(user, 'test-variable', false)
DevCycle decorator evaluate variables with the user returned from your userFactory, so you don't need to specify a user each time a decorator is used.
The VariableValue
decorator can be used to access variable values directly in your route handlers.
async findAll(
@VariableValue({ key: 'test-variable', default: false }) testValue: boolean,
) {
if (testValue) {
// do something
The RequireVariableValue
decorator can be used to guard an endpoint or controller.
If the user is not served the specified value, the request will return a 404 NotFound as though the endpoint does not exist.
'test-variable': true
async findAll() {